What is Omega as the Official Timekeeper of the Olympic Games doing?

OMEGA RIO16 Athletics

To better illustrate what Omega, the Official Timekeeper, is exactly doing in Rio these days I have an interesting selection of pictures for you. Enjoy them!


For the Official Timekeeper of the Olympic Games the responsibility extends to all events and sports taking place across Rio. The requirements for each one are unique, what you need is customized technology that benefits all of the athletes, spectators and judges. The selected events below are just a few of the places where Omega´s “job” in Rio can be seen.



The most well-known sport in which timekeeping is required, Omega has constantly revolutionized the technology for athletics over the past 84 years. Today, the most advanced equipment includes the new Omega Scan’O’Vision Myria camera, positioned on the finish line of races, that records up to 10,000 digital images per second to make results indisputable. The electronic starting pistol uses light and sound to give racers an equal start, and the innovative starting blocks include a false-start detection system that measures the pressure of an athlete’s foot against the block 4,000 times per second. This allows timekeepers to easily detect the smallest false start. The photoelectric cells, which have replaced the traditional finishing tape, are used at the finish line to instantly stop time as the first racer passes through. This gives racers and spectators a precise understanding of the winner’s recorded time.


OMEGA RIO16 Athletics
OMEGA RIO16 Athletics


OMEGA RIO16 Athletics
OMEGA RIO16 Athletics


OMEGA RIO16 Athletics
OMEGA RIO16 Athletics


OMEGA RIO16 Athletics
OMEGA RIO16 Athletics


OMEGA RIO16 Athletics
OMEGA RIO16 Athletics


OMEGA RIO16 Athletics
OMEGA RIO16 Athletics


OMEGA RIO16 Athletics
OMEGA RIO16 Athletics


OMEGA RIO16 Athletics
OMEGA RIO16 Athletics


OMEGA RIO16 Athletics
OMEGA RIO16 Athletics


OMEGA RIO16 Athletics
OMEGA RIO16 Athletics


OMEGA RIO16 Athletics
OMEGA RIO16 Athletics


OMEGA RIO16 Athletics
OMEGA RIO16 Athletics


OMEGA RIO16 Athletics
OMEGA RIO16 Athletics


OMEGA RIO16 Athletics
OMEGA RIO16 Athletics


OMEGA RIO16 Athletics
OMEGA RIO16 Athletics


OMEGA RIO16 Athletics
OMEGA RIO16 Athletics


OMEGA RIO16 Athletics
OMEGA RIO16 Athletics


OMEGA RIO16 Athletics
OMEGA RIO16 Athletics


OMEGA RIO16 Athletics
OMEGA RIO16 Athletics


OMEGA RIO16 Athletics
OMEGA RIO16 Athletics


OMEGA RIO16 Athletics
OMEGA RIO16 Athletics


OMEGA RIO16 Athletics
OMEGA RIO16 Athletics


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6 replies on “What is Omega as the Official Timekeeper of the Olympic Games doing?”
  1. says: Stephen McClure

    Alexander, you do such a great job with this post . I look forward to reading it daily. Thank you sir.

  2. says: guy williams

    Thank you for a the detailed photographic description of the equipment used to fairly adjudicate these games and how it is used. Being a fairly competitive sailor and skier I appreciate accurate and fair equipment to determine results. I don’t mean to say people cheat but they will often make misjudge their own performance. Line calling in tennis is best left to an impartial never blinking never distracted machine.

    Love the blog! Guy

  3. says: Debashish

    Though it is being done under Omega brand, the actual timing as well as record-keeping is being done by Swiss Timing, a sister company of Omega.

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