Talking with Georges Kern, CEO IWC Schaffhausen, about the actual business performance and the new Da Vinci

Georges Kern, CEO IWC Schaffhausen, standing in front of the famous Ponte Vecchio in Florence.

On the occasion of the presentation of the new IWC Da Vinci to a small and selected group of journalists I talked with Georges Kern, the brands CEO, about the actual performance and challenges and of course about the new Da Vinci …


Today IWC Schaffhausen showed me its new Da Vinci. Unfortunately I can not show you pictures today since there is an embargo on them until December 9th at 09:00 CET.

Instead you have the unique opportunity to listen to a real mover and shaker.

IWC is, against all odds, still performing strong. Georges Kern merits great respect, since the fact that IWC today stands like rock is due to his vision for the brand and his ongoing efforts to further enhance every little detail.

IWC in the last years has become an international player.

IWC today is a sexy and most desirable luxury brand for a complete new generation of buyers.

This is due to the fact that Georges Kern very early focused on digital. On digital media, digital content, digital marketing and all kind of digital interactivity between the brand and its customers.

IWC plays and played a leading role in the watch industry in digital. But also all the story telling around the brand, creating the correct emotions for the products and the right choice of celebrities helped to build brand awareness.

Today IWC is perceived as a sexy and cool brand and that helps these days to be successful  in a very, very challenging enviroment.


This is the man …

Georges Kern, CEO IWC Schaffhausen, standing in front of the famous Ponte Vecchio in Florence.
Georges Kern, CEO IWC Schaffhausen, standing in front of the famous Ponte Vecchio in Florence.


And here is our conversation taped today in Florence in Italy …




Sorry guys, this is all I can show you today about the new IWC Schaffhausen Da Vinci


The key facts of the IWC Schaffhausen Da Vinci
The key facts of the new IWC Schaffhausen Da Vinci



Georges Kern, today during the presentation …

Georges Kern, CEO IWC Schaffhausen, during the DA Vinci presentation today in Florence.
Georges Kern, CEO IWC Schaffhausen, during the Da Vinci presentation today in Florence.



Curious to see the new IWC Schaffhausen Da Vinci?

December 9th, at 09:00 CET you will be able to discover my full coverage here @





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