Jaeger-LeCoultre-CEO Jérôme Lambert to become the next CEO of Montblanc International?

I have information telling me that there is something going on, but I have no confirmation yet. And I don´t know if Jérôme Lambert will do this additionally to his “job” as CEO of Jaeger-LeCoultre as he did a while for A. Lange & Söhne or not. You for sure all remember that Jérôme Lambert was also CEO ad interim at A. Lange & Söhne before they announced Wilhelm Schmid as the new CEO …

Guys, I´ll keep you updated

(Update 20:39) Jérôme Lambert seems to leave Jaeger-LeCoultre and he seems to become the new CEO at Montblanc International. New CEO at Jaeger-LeCoultre ???? I assume it will be the actual head of production, working closely together with Jérôme over the last years … But this is NOT confirmed yet

(Update 20:49) Richemont will make an official announcement tomorrow at 07:30 CET …


Portraits de Jerome Lambert, CEO et de Guillain Maspetiol, DG France de Jaeger Lecoultre - Paris

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